Exploring the mystery of "shadow of candle and sound of axe" “烛影斧声”探谜
Audio-visual programme includes composition, landscape, colour, light and shadow, sound and music. 视听方案包括构图、景别、色彩、光影、音响和音乐。
The reported 14 cases of Ebstein's anomaly in this paper indicate that the enlargement and protrusion of the lower edge of right heart and the veliform shadow are sound bases for diagnosis of the disease, and the mechanism leading to them is discussed. 本文报道的14例三尖瓣下移畸形,表明右心下缘膨凸及帆状阴影是诊断该畸形的重要依据,并讨论了该诊断依据形成的机理。
Lost Geist and Tranquil Water Shadow: Quentin in Sound and Fury 迷航的Geist安宁的水影&《喧哗与骚动》中昆丁的心灵解读
Analyzing the Elimination of Shadow Moire Image Grid Chirp Sound 影像云纹图像栅线噪声消除分析研究
Thus, the screen what the audience saw is constituted with these basic elements, such as narrative structure, transitions, lens, light and shadow, color, sound, music and so on. 因此,观众直观看到的画面是叙事结构,转场,镜头、光影、色彩、音响,音乐等这些构成电影的最基本的元素综合而成。